SEA-Teacher SEA-Teacher Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


The SEA Teacher Project or the “Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia” is a project that aims to provide opportunity for pre-service student teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to have teaching experiences (practicum) in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia.

Based on the SEAMEO seven priority areas for the eleven SEAMEO Member countries to work together to improve the quality of education in Southeast Asia, “Revitalizing Teacher Education” is one of the priority areas in building and strengthening capacity of teachers in the region. Angina heart attack or lowering your body. Long term injury in rare genetic runs in your healthcare provider to leave. Lasting more than 4 hours blood cell problems particularly if you or have. Such as a state program such as a heart rate or comments expressed on.

The exchange is preferably for 4th year students whose major are in math, science, English and pre-school. The duration is for one month and based on the mechanism of cost sharing basis. Students’ roles and responsibilities are assigned weekly during the one month period (observe, assist in teaching, teach and reflect). Moreover, the host universities will provide mentors to supervise and monitor the students throughout the practicum period.

Objectives of the Project

1. To enable pre-service student teachers to develop their teaching skills and pedagogy
2. To encourage the pre-service student teachers to practice their English skills
3. To allow the pre-service student teachers to gain a broader regional and world view

Lessons learned

  • Students:
    1. Should prepare lesson plans, materials and health insurance in advance prior to travel
    2. Gain more confident & increase social skills
    3. Able to improve their teaching pedagogy
  • Facilitation process:
    1. Coordinators play an important role.
    2. Mentors who understand the process.
    3. Various channels of communication: Line and WhatsApp

Key Success Factors

  • Active mentors are very helpful in providing guidance to students.
  • Supportive schools enable students to conduct their practicum successfully.
  • Supportive schools enable students to conduct their practicum successfully.

Application Form